Top 10 Renewable Energy Trends in 2024
The environmental challenges that planet Earth is facing are undeniable. This has raised the need for more sustainable solutions in terms of energy. You cannot divert attention from power demands and what! They are rising constantly. The finite energy-providing solutions, such as fossil fuels, cannot cope with the rising demand.
Here, the renewable energy trend is on the rise. Renewable energy companies are also on the rise. These energy sources do not have any adverse effects on the environment, including poor air quality, acid rain, groundwater pollution, threats to aquatic life, etc. This article aims to reveal the top 10 incredible renewable energy trends for 2024! Sound curious? let’s start!
Renewable Energy Trends – An Overview
You can define the renewable energy trend as the evolution, development, usage, and adaptability of eco-friendly energy resources. These trends result from technological advancement, changes in policy, and market dynamics. Let’s uncover the facts on the top 10 trendy renewable energy sources in the following section:
Top 10 Renewable Energy Trends
Unveil the facts on the top 10 Renewable Energy trends right in the table below:
Sr. No. | Renewable Energy Technology | Total Energy Contribution (%) | Adaptability in Different Countries (%) |
1 | Advanced Photovoltaics | 5% | France (20%), USA (15%), UK (10%), Germany (8%), South Korea (5%), Norway (4%), Italy (3%), Hong Kong (2%), Australia (1%), Japan (0.5%) |
2 | AI and Big Data | 2% | USA (40%), UK (30%), Germany (20%), France (10%), South Korea (5%), Norway (2%), Italy (1%), Hong Kong (0.5%), Australia (0.2%), Japan (0.1%) |
3 | Distributed Energy Storage Systems | 1% | USA (30%), Japan (20%), Germany (15%), UK (10%), South Korea (5%), France (2%), Italy (1%), Hong Kong (0.5%), Australia (0.2%), Norway (0.1%) |
4 | Hydropower and electricity | 18% | Norway (95%), Canada (60%), Brazil (50%), USA (40%), China (30%), India (10%), Japan (5%), Germany (2%), France (1%) |
5 | Wind Energy | 6% | Denmark (40%), Germany (25%), UK (20%), Spain (15%), USA (10%), China (5%), France (3%), Japan (2%), India (1%), Australia (0.5%) |
6 | Bioenergy | 6% | Brazil (50%), USA (20%), Germany (15%), China (10%), India (5%), Sweden (4%), UK (3%), Canada (2%), France (1%), Japan (0.5%) |
7 | Grid Integration | 2% | Germany (30%), USA (20%), UK (15%), France (10%), Japan (5%), South Korea (4%), Italy (3%), Hong Kong (2%), Australia (1%), Norway (0.5%) |
8 | Green Hydrogen | 0.1% | Japan (10%), Germany (5%), France (2%), South Korea (1%), USA (0.5%), UK (0.2%), Italy (0.1%), Australia (0.1%), Norway (0.1%), Hong Kong (0.1%) |
9 | Advanced Robotics | 0.2% | USA (30%), Japan (20%), Germany (15%), South Korea (10%), UK (5%), France (2%), Italy (1%), Hong Kong (0.5%), Australia (0.2%), Norway (0.1%) |
10 | Blockchain | 0.1% | USA (40%), UK (30%), Germany (20%), France (10%), South Korea (5%), Japan (2%), China (1%), India (0.5%), Australia (0.2%), Norway (0.1%) |
Latest In Tech Photovoltaics
Various solar companies are now promoting the use of photovoltaic solar panels in multiple industries. These technologies are an incredible shift when it comes to trends. Traditionally, the solar panels are thick and take up more space.
Additionally, they are heavyweight also. But now, a new business is developing thin-film cells that feature low weight, higher cost effectivity, and eco-friendliness.
Now, companies are setting up the new technology of lenses/mirrors to concentrate sunlight on a single point. The latest material usage, such as the perovskite, doubles up the conversion of energy.
When you couple them with the PV (Photovoltaic systems), you can boost productivity as well as system efficiency. In this way, photovoltaics contribute to better environmental sustainability and lower resource utilization.
Big Data and AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Together, big data and AI contribute to the safe and secure operation of energy resource facilities. The energy grids need to cope up with fast decision-making, and AI aids in this regard. You can determine the energy consumption forecast to prepare yourself accordingly to cater to your energy needs efficiently. Apart from this, you can also predict the maintenance measures.
This way, you can prevent any accident from happening. You can determine or predict the capacity of the grid and can calculate the real-time price or trading. With the remarkable progress in cloud computing, the VPP (Virtual Power Plants) supply generation of power using utilities. Besides this, the new companies can analyze or design new renewable energy resources.
Advanced Energy Storage Systems
You can minimize the energy irregularities in power production by using advanced and distributed energy storage systems. An option exists to deploy these systems locally. The products include batteries or no battery solutions. Energy density varies from battery type to battery type.
The solid-state type offers a high level of energy density, while the flow type offers a lower energy density. You can also adopt supercapacitors or capacitors for areas that require higher energy for a shorter period. Battery-less systems, on the other hand, contribute to clean energy with high safety and zero environmental pollution.
Hydropower and electricity
Extracting energy from flowing water, known as hydropower, is a highly reliable renewable energy source. Hydropower can predict energy output more accurately than wind or solar power. Through waves, tides and currents, we can harness the energy of water in many ways.
Technologies such as dams, tidal dams and thermal energy conversion systems can be used to generate clean energy. In this environmentally friendly future, DC charging piles have also become key, providing convenient and environmentally friendly charging solutions for vehicles powered by renewable energy.

Energy from Wind
Wind refers to the oldest energy source. Besides this, the evolution of technology has contributed to its trend-setting nature. You can set up the on-shore and off-shore turbines to harness the wind energy. To cater to the effectiveness and efficiency, the upgradation in the design of the wind turbine blades has made it a clear winner.
Turbines and generators collectively contribute to higher energy conversion. You can also not ignore the material of the blade as it needs to cope up with the environmental challenges fully. Recyclable thermoplastic will completely benefit you regarding getting the most out of wind energy.
The energy that you extract from the biomass refers to the enemy. A practical example of this is liquid biofuels. To contribute to quality energy production, new startups are continuously improving the technologies and techniques with which you can process biofuels. The key processes that play a great role in this regard include pyrolysis, HTL (Hydrothermal liquefaction), gasification, pulverization, and plasma technique.
You can get rid of the nitrogen and sulfur in the biomass through cryogenic, in-situ, membrane isolation techniques. Similarly, the process of fermentation leads to the production of bioethanol, which you can later mix with gasoline. This way, you can achieve the optimum quality of the fueling.
Integration to Grid
This includes the generation, transport, and distribution of energy from the grid. The distribution and transmission of renewable energy resources lead to losses in energy. To resolve this issue, new technologies like the usage of silicon carbide and gallium nitride serve the purpose.
Apart from this, you can minimize the frequency as well as voltage fluctuations by employing micro-controller solutions. You can stabilize the grid this way optimally and smoothly with the higher as well as lower energy density.
Green Hydrogen
The energy density of the hydrogen gas contributes to the production of negligible greenhouse gases. Green hydrogen mostly results from non-renewable energy resources in the brown or grey form of hydrogen. Besides its perks you are going to face the lower conversion efficiency of this energy. Therefore, the main aim of further studies is to ensure improvement in the storage, distribution, and transportation of hydrogen.
Latest Robotics
The big hurdle in the consumption of renewable energy is the processing or production. Robotics plays a key role here. You can experience incredible accuracy as well as effective utilization of renewable energy using robotics. For instance, consider solar power robotics, which maximizes efficiency and effectiveness as per needs.
Automation in this regard contributes to effective maintenance measures and reduces the chance of unsafe working or damage. Consider using drones to point out external or internal damages. Utilizing 3D or digital mapping, you can understand the real-time data and cope with the analytics.
You can ensure high-end safety and security in energy transactions for the renewable energy sector. Blockchain allows you to ensure double encryption and prevent any kind of hacking or breachability to the system. You can cut off cyber threats this way. There is no need to transact the energy physically. You can do so digitally by using the blockchains.
You can also enjoy the real-time monitoring. Options exist to access and ensure the regulatory compliance of the data. You can also enjoy the custody of the data for the different materials used in the grid formation. This is how blockchain innovates energy usage and transactions in modern society.
Utilizing the renewable energy sources mentioned above allows you to make a positive contribution to the environment. You can save it for yourself and future generations. I believe that the information provided by PIWIN can help you make an informed decision in this regard. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below or get quick online help.
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